Best apps for making money on Android When you look at your phone, you probably think about spending money rather than making it. Your handset almost certainly cost you a pretty penny, whether in up-front cost or on-going monthly payments. Thankfully there are plenty of apps to be found in the Google Play store which can help you recoup some of the costs. This is how to make money with Android apps.
Google Opinion Rewards
It may come as little surprise to learn that Google has an app of its own that you can use to make money. With Google Opinion Rewards you earn Google Play credit by completing surveys. You'll receive a notification whenever a new survey is available, and you just need to spend a few moments answering a series of questions – nothing too taxing.
Once you've completed a survey, you earn Google Play Store credit that you can use to buy apps, music and other things. Many of the surveys have a deadline for completion, so make sure you don’t wait too long to complete them.
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